Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hi Art/English Students!
We have so many fun things planned for this year. First, we will read Lord of the Flies and create art that represents working alone and working together, just like the boys on the island did. We will make Artist trading Cards and trade them among our group. Then, we'll pick the one we like most and create a jewelry piece! How cool is that? Watch for more right here!

Monday, May 24, 2010


This is the last post you will write for this class. What are your final thoughts about the class, the school year or whatever. You can continue writing anytime you like. You can come back and read your old posts and you can even use this to keep up with your classmates as you all go your separate ways. This is your blog. Your blog will stay online until you decide whether or not to keep it.

I've enjoyed having you in class. I've learned as much from you as you have from me. pass/pict/GoodLuck2.jpg

Thursday, May 20, 2010


With graduation just around the corner and the pressure of all your final projects, today's post is an easy one: Copy your commencement speech. If you don't have it, write some parting words to the upcoming seniors.


Monday, May 17, 2010


The challenge has come to an end. It was disappointing that we received so few comments from the other bloggers. Please read the challenge and complete the survey. Feel free to offer suggestion for future challenges. Remember to link back to the challenge.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Blog Challenge #9 asks you to examine the issues facing teenagers today. Read the challenge and pick a topic to write a post about.

Movies are due Tuesday, May 18th.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Are you ready to take the pledge? Early this semester we viewed two videos on the dangers of texting while driving. Oprah has aked America to take the pledge and save lives by not endangering lives while texting and driving. For more information, to sign the pledge, watch videos about it, click here.

Please write about your thoughts on this. Check out what the law is in Florida and should it be changed. If you took the pledge, explain why. If you didn't take the pledge you might want to share your thoughts about it.

You could also write about anything related to texting. How much do you text? Are you addicted to it? How does it affect your school work? How should schools handle the growing texting problem?


Friday, April 30, 2010


It's your turn to select the topic of your choice and write a great, interesting post. Please make sure it is school appropriate. If you are stuck, try writing prompts.

Use your remaining time to work on your transendentalism quote and your movie.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today you need to change your Keynote Presentation to a movie file. (export-quicktime) and upload to your blog. Write the title and a brief description.

Movie Storyboards are due today.
Transendental art quote: Due Tuesday-May 4th
Movies: Wednesday-May 12th


Monday, April 26, 2010


Read all about Challenge #7
  • Count out three – click on a blog on your blogroll (1), now click on a blog from their blogroll (2) and finally click on a blog from that blogroll (3) – leave a comment on a post at this blog. Do this activity at least three times and write a post saying which blogs you visited and what posts you left a comment on. Why did you choose that post? Please remember to link back to the challenge page
The due date for Storyboard for your movie project has been extended until Wednesday because of all the events last week. If you were absent, you have until Wednesday to make up your missed posts.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


You have been studying about transendentalism. Select a quote from the one the transendentalists. Copy your quote, write why you selected it, what you feel it means and select an image that relates to it to post to your blog.

Art Project: Copy your quote into an Appleworks document. Pick a font, enlarge to at least 120pt. and change to outline. Make a copy.
Use the tissue paper to color your background in a transendental way.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Today you will polish your Japanese mudball. When you have completed polishing, take a picture of your dorodango and post on your blog. Please write about the process and your success or failures. If you could start over, what would you do differently? Do you have any suggestions for someone just beginning the process? How does this relate to transendentalism?


Also, make at least three comments on your blog roll.

Friday, April 16, 2010


The biggest disappointment so far of the blogging challenge has been the lack of response to any of our blogs. I received one comment so far from a teacher. Except for Bailey, I don't think any of you have received any comments. What can we do to encourage readers to comment on our post?
List some ideas in your post and try them out.

This week I asked you to comment on the blogs in your blog roll. Please make sure to complete this and to leave a "track back" to your blog. Also write about things you read about on the other blogs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Now that you have created a Blog Roll, you need to introduce yourself and comment to all of those you selected. Remember to comment about something specific. "Good Job!" doesn't really tell them what you thought was so good.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Challenge #6: Read the information posted on the challenge site. Create a blog roll on your page by going to Layout-gadget-blog list-follow the directions.

Your challenge is to add at least 10 blogs to your blog roll. Use blogs from both the Class Blog list and the Student Blog list.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today you watched the video "Creative Sharing".
Read Challenge #5. You can respond to the video or pick something from the challenge. Make sure you link your post back to the challenge.

Today you will complete your dreamboard. Post it on your blog, make a color copy for yourself.
If you have completed everything, research dorodango for our transcendental assignment.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Today you have a choice of writing about your fabulous spring break adventures, or you can post what you wrote yesterday while outside with Ms. Ladd. Or you can write your thoughts on the whole idea of transcendentalism.


You will be making a digital dream board today. A digital dream board is a collection of words, images and colors that reflect your vision of what you want to create in your life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today is the end of the 3rd quarter! Make sure you have posted all of the assignments, including your movie trailer. All grades are due tomorrow.

You do not have a new post for today. SiSFiles/Schools/AL/..

Monday, March 22, 2010


This week's blogging challenge is on the environment. There are a variety of activities listed on the challenge website to write about. Choose one, or create your own topic about the environment.

Please label your post: Challenge #4 and link it back to the challenge site.


Friday, March 19, 2010


Today you will provide feedback to classes or students that are involved in the challenge. Please comment on at least three sites. Also provide a link back to your blog so you that you can get some feedback from them.

In your post, link the sites you left comments at, and anything of interest that you found.

Reminder: All assignments are due by Thursday, March 25th.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today is time to make some adjustments or additions to your posts. For all blogging challenges you need to put, Challenge #__ in the title. You also need to link it back to the challenge page. This is a requirement of the competition. Remember your sentence requirement for your posts.

Also remember that students from other countries are reading your work, so please proofread, use correct spelling and punctuation . You need to credit the source of any images you use.

This marking period ends next Thursday, March 25th. Your Philosophy of Life Project your Speak poem and your movie trailer need to be complete and posted on your blog.

Monday, March 15, 2010


This week's challenge is to tell the world about where we live. You can do this through descriptive writing, through pictures or with a slide show. There are other activities listed on the challenge site. Be sure to link back to the challenge.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


When do you think it is appropriate for students to use real photos of themselves on their blogs and why? See if you can research this on the net and find responses from other educators. Remember to link to their post if you use information they mentioned. Hyperlink as well to this challenge post, so I can read your answers.

PS: Within 6 hours of posting this challenge, Andrea has already written her opinion.


If you don't have an avatar on your site. Use this avatar information to make one.

image: jpg

Ms. Ladd had requested that you post the assignment from Speak on your blog.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today you get to pick a topic to blog about. It is your chance to write about whatever you feel like. Of course it needs to be school appropriate and you need to use good grammar and punctuation skills. Also remember to list the source of any images you choose to use.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Write a post about why students and classes should visit your blog. Why is your blog going to be interesting? What will you be posting about? What could they learn from reading your blog. I know that almost all of your posts have been required assignments. Even though you didn't choose the topic you had a chance to give your opinions add pictures,art and personality to your blog. This quarter you will be doing some videos and you will have more opportunities to write about your own topics.
You need to create a link back to the blogging challenge.


Thursday, February 25, 2010


Now that you have completed The Life of Pi, what did you learn from reading this book? It could be anything from hyenas to how to survive a ship wreck.

image: healigan08-09...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last week we watched a very graphic video about texting and driving. Today you will watch a video that is the complete opposite on seat belts. In your opinion, which is more effective? Which gets the message across better?


You need to complete your Philosophy of Life project for a progress report grade today!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Collaborating is a skill often used in the workplace. Today you will work with a classmate to write a short essay from a writing prompt..You will be using and online collaborative tool call etherpad to write your story. This application allows both of you to write and edit at the same time.

Remember to use descriptive language and good punctuation. Cut and paste your finished essay into each of your blogs.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Fires in the Bathroom is a book of advice for educators by students. This book gives teachers some tips on how to reach, teach and motivate their students. After twelve years of numerous teachers, list your 5 tips to help teachers do a better job at educating young people. Write two to three sentences explaining each of your tips.

image: images/I/51BOMw3KFVL._

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Your assignment is to create 5 Valentine limericks using the proper format. Remember: Funny is usually the key in limericks! Happy Valentine's Day.

Post all 5 on your blog for your grade.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Americans sent an estimated one trillion texts in 2009. Many of those texts were sent while driving. It is evident that talking on the phone and texting behind the while driving both lead to distraction, and this is the leading cause of car accidents. Do you text and drive? Have you been in a car with a driver that has been texting? What can be done to encourage people not to text and drive? Did the video have an impact on you? Do you think it should be shown on tv?

Monday, February 8, 2010


Now that you've had a chance to think about your philosophy, it's time to write about it. Please include your quote, your image and a paragraph about it. Be sure to use correct grammar and spelling. Remember to use paragraphs and descriptive writing. Also, please proofread before submitting.

We will take your photo today and begin the measuring, folding and gluing the base. Check below for further directions.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


According to Meriam-Webster" Philosophy of Life is " an overall vision of or attitude toward life and the purpose of life". For this assignment we will look at the work of Yaacov Agam who is an Israeli artist that is considered one of the "pioneers of kinetic art".

For this assignment you will need two color 8x10's. One needs to be a picture of you, the other a picture of something that exlemplifies your philosophy of life. You will also need a quotation that will compliment both.
The pictures need to be in landscape orientation (horizontal).

Check these directions as an alternate to the example I showed you. (Thanks to Bunki Kramer and Sharon Kennedy)

Thursday, 02.04.10

You can use today to complete your "Life Altering" experience and your Glog.

If you rather not post your essay to all, please put a copy in my drop box.

I know we are having issues with Glogs not saving so please take a screen shot of your Glog (control-shift-4) before trying to save. If it doesn't save you can post the screen shot of your blog. If it does save, post the Glog to your blog. You will present your Glog on Tuesday. Cassie is the "Glog Guru". She can help you troubleshoot.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Think about a life experience that has had a profound effect on you. This experience may have changed you, or at the least, help direct your life. What experience most shaped who you are? Can you point to a single experience in your life, as a child or young adult, which you can define as having contributed (negatively or positively) to the person you are today?

Think in terms of something you can look back and say, “That shaped my personality as a young adult.” An example might be that you went to a slaughterhouse and decided to become a vegetarian. Or, like Mr. McCombs, went on a fishing trip, saw how fish were suffocated, then decided to become a vegetarian.

Assignment: Write about a life experience that has had a direct effect on your life. Begin your essay by saying something about how life experiences shape who we are. You may want to give an example based on someone else’s experience. Then, go into detail about your own life and what has become of you as a direct result of this experience. Be sure to tell about the experience and distinguish between who you were and who you are now. End your essay with a strong conclusion---think back to the introduction- say something about how one event can make all the difference in a person’s life.

Friday, January 29, 2010


It's that time again to give some feedback to your classmates. Try to provide useful or factual information. "It rocks!" is only good if you explain why.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Prepositional Phrases

On the pleasant shore of the French Riviera, about halfway betweenMarseilles and the Italian border, stands a large, proud, rose-colored hotel.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Your assignment is to create a paragraph about a place using three prepositional phrases and adjectives. Try to end your paragraph with the place.

Check here for prepositional phrases.

Thanks to Ms. T. Seale for this quote and an inspirational lesson
Photo Source:


"It was my luck to have few good teachers in my youth, men and women who came into my dark head a lit a match." Life of Pi After twelve years in school there have been many teachers that have crossed your path.
Write about one or two that "lit a match" in you.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Since we are beginning a new semester it is time to review the blogging rules you agreed on way back in August.

Blogging Rules

You are required to agree to some simple rules designed to keep you, our school, and other students safe. You are expected to follow these rules at all times whether at school or at home working on your blog.

Ø Do not use last names, school names, addresses, email addresses or pictures of students. No personal information should be included anywhere in your blog. This parallels what the school district's policy is regarding these matters.

Ø Keep your password secure and do not share it with anyone. This also means that you are responsible for anything others write under your ID if you share your password (That means if you leave your password lying around, you will take the consequences).

Ø Do not link to your personal blog from your school blog. You might reveal information on there that you don't want to reveal on your school blog. Make sure that anything you write in your blog or link to your blog is something that you understand and want to be associated with.

Ø Check over your post for spelling errors, grammar errors, and your use of words. Remember that this IS a class, so it should be grammatically correct. That doesn’t mean you can’t use slang, for example, but at least spell it correctly!

Ø All writing should be school-appropriate, respectful, and free from harmful, hateful, or offensive language. Keep it academically oriented. Don’t discuss your out-of-school plans for the week. Information and ideas on the blog should only be on school-related topics.

Ø Keep your comments friendly and encouraging. If you disagree, do it politely.

Ø Consistently check your blog, and if any comments come up from people you don't know, report it to your teacher right away. Students and teachers have the right to delete any comments posted by someone else on their blogs that they do not feel comfortable with. Do not reply to those comments.

Ø Do not plagiarize. Do not copy and paste. Make sure all your posts are yours. You may quote or use pictures if you have permission, but give credit where it is due.

Ø Only post photos that are school appropriate and correctly cited. When posting a photo or video, be sure to cite where it came from.

Image: Video.html

Friday, January 15, 2010



It's time to read the thoughts of your classmates and write comments or suggestions. You can also post your thoughts about Life of Pi, your presentation or whatever equals 15 lines.

Please place a copy of your artist presentation and your illustrated poem in my drop box. I'd also like you to post it on your blog.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Write about a nickname you've been given at some point in your life. How did you feel about that nickname? Who gave it to you? Have you had more than one? Make a connection between your nickname and Life of Pi.

Google Images

Sunday, January 10, 2010


She walks in Beauty

SHE walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that 's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellow'd to that tender light 5
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face; 10
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow, 15
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!

Post your version of the poem that you wrote in Ms. Ladd's class.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


What are you good at? What are your major strengths? What do people depend on you to do? What skills do you have?
Give examples and brag about yourself.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


There have been many new inventions created since 2000. What do you think is the best new thing of the decade and why?