Thursday, February 25, 2010


Now that you have completed The Life of Pi, what did you learn from reading this book? It could be anything from hyenas to how to survive a ship wreck.

image: healigan08-09...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last week we watched a very graphic video about texting and driving. Today you will watch a video that is the complete opposite on seat belts. In your opinion, which is more effective? Which gets the message across better?


You need to complete your Philosophy of Life project for a progress report grade today!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Collaborating is a skill often used in the workplace. Today you will work with a classmate to write a short essay from a writing prompt..You will be using and online collaborative tool call etherpad to write your story. This application allows both of you to write and edit at the same time.

Remember to use descriptive language and good punctuation. Cut and paste your finished essay into each of your blogs.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Fires in the Bathroom is a book of advice for educators by students. This book gives teachers some tips on how to reach, teach and motivate their students. After twelve years of numerous teachers, list your 5 tips to help teachers do a better job at educating young people. Write two to three sentences explaining each of your tips.

image: images/I/51BOMw3KFVL._

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Your assignment is to create 5 Valentine limericks using the proper format. Remember: Funny is usually the key in limericks! Happy Valentine's Day.

Post all 5 on your blog for your grade.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Americans sent an estimated one trillion texts in 2009. Many of those texts were sent while driving. It is evident that talking on the phone and texting behind the while driving both lead to distraction, and this is the leading cause of car accidents. Do you text and drive? Have you been in a car with a driver that has been texting? What can be done to encourage people not to text and drive? Did the video have an impact on you? Do you think it should be shown on tv?

Monday, February 8, 2010


Now that you've had a chance to think about your philosophy, it's time to write about it. Please include your quote, your image and a paragraph about it. Be sure to use correct grammar and spelling. Remember to use paragraphs and descriptive writing. Also, please proofread before submitting.

We will take your photo today and begin the measuring, folding and gluing the base. Check below for further directions.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


According to Meriam-Webster" Philosophy of Life is " an overall vision of or attitude toward life and the purpose of life". For this assignment we will look at the work of Yaacov Agam who is an Israeli artist that is considered one of the "pioneers of kinetic art".

For this assignment you will need two color 8x10's. One needs to be a picture of you, the other a picture of something that exlemplifies your philosophy of life. You will also need a quotation that will compliment both.
The pictures need to be in landscape orientation (horizontal).

Check these directions as an alternate to the example I showed you. (Thanks to Bunki Kramer and Sharon Kennedy)

Thursday, 02.04.10

You can use today to complete your "Life Altering" experience and your Glog.

If you rather not post your essay to all, please put a copy in my drop box.

I know we are having issues with Glogs not saving so please take a screen shot of your Glog (control-shift-4) before trying to save. If it doesn't save you can post the screen shot of your blog. If it does save, post the Glog to your blog. You will present your Glog on Tuesday. Cassie is the "Glog Guru". She can help you troubleshoot.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Think about a life experience that has had a profound effect on you. This experience may have changed you, or at the least, help direct your life. What experience most shaped who you are? Can you point to a single experience in your life, as a child or young adult, which you can define as having contributed (negatively or positively) to the person you are today?

Think in terms of something you can look back and say, “That shaped my personality as a young adult.” An example might be that you went to a slaughterhouse and decided to become a vegetarian. Or, like Mr. McCombs, went on a fishing trip, saw how fish were suffocated, then decided to become a vegetarian.

Assignment: Write about a life experience that has had a direct effect on your life. Begin your essay by saying something about how life experiences shape who we are. You may want to give an example based on someone else’s experience. Then, go into detail about your own life and what has become of you as a direct result of this experience. Be sure to tell about the experience and distinguish between who you were and who you are now. End your essay with a strong conclusion---think back to the introduction- say something about how one event can make all the difference in a person’s life.