Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009

Design a Coat of Arms
Why did a knight need a Coat of Arms? When a knight would go into battle, his identity would be obscured by the armor that covered his body. To make his name known and to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, the chivalrous knight would carry a coat of arms into the fight. A coat of arms was a shield that bore a set of symbols that were unique to and representative of the knight that carried them. What symbols represent you and your personality?
Using the classic symbols used by chivalrous knights, design a coat of arms that represents you and your personality. You will physically create the shield using art supplies in class and attach a ONE PAGE explanation of how your shield represents you.
1. Research classic shield symbols.
2. Take note of symbols you'd want to use.
3. Print copies of symbols you like.
4. Make note of colors and divisions as well.
5. Use art supplies in class to build the shield.
6. Write ONE page on the following:
• What do your symbols mean?
• What do your colors mean?
• What does your division mean?
• How do these items represent you?
7. Attach the explanation to the shield.
1. your name: first or last
2. one or more symbols
3. colors (chosen for meaning)
4. motto
5. shield
You can include more than what's required
Now that you have finished designing your shield, you've learned three valuable lessons. First, you've gotten a taste of how real knights might have designed their own coats of arms. Secondly, you've learned more about the idea of symbolism and how an object can represent an idea. Finally, you've learned a little about yourself by choosing your own personal symbols.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Who is the most evil character in Macbeth?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Now is your time to leave comments to your classmates and make suggestions to your teachers.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bayshore has received a D as a school grade for the past 3 years. Do you feel this is an accurate assessment of our school, our students, our teachers and our administrators? If you were principal, what steps would you take to improve our school grade? How would you motivate everyone to try harder and work more? What things need to change? What things need to be added?
Our next assignment is short and easy. It is designed to introduce you to some ot our computer programs. You are going to design a business card to promote yourself. It needs to include your name, phone number, address and blog url. You also need to include a picture. It can be clip art, your avatar or a real life picture of you. You can use “Pages” which has a tutorial and lots of interesting templates, or you can use “Appleworks”. You will be able to print one page of cards in color.
google images
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today you will do more reading than writing, but the writing you do will require more thought and some etiquette. You are going to read your classmates posts and make some intelligent comments. Commenting is a way to connect with the author. This allows an interaction between author and reader. Colleges are now asking students to comment on their assignments and readings through blogging formats.
Here are some guidelines for our class blogs:
Post meaningful comments: “ Good job!” “Right On!” might make a person feel good but it doesn’t tell him what you liked.
Be specific: “You made a good point about making friends by joining clubs, that’s how I met my best friend”
Add to the conversation: “I agree with you about skipping, but not paying attention to class assignments is just as bad."
Respect each other: You can disagree with what a person has written without being disrespectful to that person.
Make 5 great comments.
prashant-vikram.blogspot.comTuesday, October 6, 2009

Think back to your freshmen year. Are there things you would have done differently? Did you make any bad choices? What are some good things you did that are paying off now. With those thoughts in mind, write a letter to a freshman offering advice. Please take this seriously and practice expanding your thoughts by using figurative language.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Let the Writings Begin!

The main purpose for creating your blog is to improve your writing. You will write the first 20 minutes of class each day before beginning the class assignment. Writing is just like a sport. The more you practice, the better you get. And just as in any sport there are rules to follow. Here are the rules:
Title your post. This title should relate to the topic.
Use correct spelling and grammar. This includes using paragraphs. You are not texting, everything you write needs to be school appropriate. Your teachers, your classmates and whoever stumbles on your blog will read what you write.
You need to write a minimum of 15 lines.
You can include images, humor, creativity and please use some figurative language.(try this, click on each word to expand) You will be given a weekly grade based on the number of lines you write. I will give bonus points for use of vocabulary from Ms. Ladd’s class, great images or spectacular creativity.
Today’s Topic: You are finally a senior! What do you want to accomplish this year? What are the things you’re looking forward to doing? What are things you want to avoid? What are your goals? image:
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
LOF Due Dates

You will have five class periods to complete your project. The last day to work on projects in class will be October 15th. Presentations will be the week of the October 19th.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Lord of the Flies Project

The Survivors of Lord of the Flies have been rescued. You want to tell their story,
Read through all of the choices. Select the one that interests you.
You can be a talk show host conducting interview with the survivors. Write your script, set your stage, conduct your interview. Video tape the performance.
You can be a movie producer and create a Movie Trailer using i-movie Create a story board highlights of the story. Check out a camera. Use i-movie, i-tunes and i-photo to create a trailer.
You can create a Song or a Music video retelling their story . Use can use Garage Band and i-movie.
You can create and perform Puppet show: Make your own puppets, write a story summary and perform or video for the class.
You can create a newspaper for major events of the novel. Your newspaper must include at least four of the following: a news story, a review, an editorial, a feature story, a commentary, a cartoon, and/or a profile piece. Make copies for the group and present.
You can recreate the story in a graphic novel, make a story board, (comic book) format. Choose what you think are the most important scenes and tell the story of The Lord of the Flies. You can use Comic Life
You can turn the novel into a game. Be sure to use text based evidence. The purpose of this project is to share your knowledge with others and test them on theirs. Make the game. Have the class play the game.
Monday, September 21, 2009

The first few posts are all about you. You will start off using Wordle . Use a dictionary or thesaurus to create an A-Z poster about you. Use intelligent vocabulary. When you have completed your artwork, take a screen shot, then upload to your blog.
Friday, September 18, 2009

After many roadblocks, our blogs are now up and running. Please look at the list of rules. Remember that this blog will be closely monitored not only by your classmates, and teachers but by parents and others around Manatee Schools. Please consider carefully what you publish for the world to see. Make sure your language is appropriate.